Mallee Seeps - Mallee Sustainable Farming

Mallee Seeps - A holistic approach to seep management for preventing land degradation in the landscape

Mallee Seeps have become a significant land management issue in recent years, causing productive farming ground to become saturated, unproductive, weed infested and eventually totally degraded as bare saline scalds or water basin.

Seeps have become more evident in the last 10 years and are likely due to farming system changes coupled with very high rainfall periods. Farmers identify that poor water use on deep sands (impacted by effective summer weed control) has led to new seeps appearing in both mid-slope and swale areas below.

The Coorong Tatiara Local Action Plan is proud to be partner in this Mallee Sustainable Farming led project which aims to tackle seep management in three ways:

  • Early ID of seeps using new and existing remote sensing tools to identify areas at high risk for seep formation
  • Preventing seep formation - demonstrating the best high water use options for different systems
  • Remediation of existing seeps - categorise seeps by severity and apply the best treatment in the right area

To visit the Mallee Seeps Web page to access a wealth of useful resources please click here

Click here to access the Mallee Seeps Decision Tree which provides a tool for the identification and rehabilitation of Mallee Seeps and other classes of saline land. This terrific tool provides a guideline working through different types of salinity, level of salinity, broad localities, and provides options for management in both written and video formats.

mallee seeps web page image