Tree Decline Project

The Tree Decline and Death Project is a research project delivered by Federation University Australia for the Coorong Tatiara Local Action Plan Committees. The project aims to reduce threat to remnant native vegetation by investigating the cause of tree decline in the region. The project was commenced in July 2015. This report details our findings during the project . Click on the link below to read the full report.

Final Report on Tree Decline and Death Project(3208 kb)

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Research into Tree Decline and Death in the Coorong and Tatiara Districts

The Tree Decline and Death Project aimed to improve understanding of the threats to remnant native vegetation by investigating the causes of tree decline and death in this region.

Large trees are a valuable and treasured part of our landscapes. The Coorong and Tatiara Local Action Plan engaged the Centre for Environmental Management, Federation University Australia to researching this issue.

There are a broad range of impacts on native vegetation including:

Galahs and Corellas ringbarking treesEffects of drought and climate stress
Insects defoliating treesLime Chlorosis
Mundulla YellowsMistletoe and Dodder infestation
Plant pathogensIncreased soil salinity.........and more

It is also evident that these stress factors interact with each other. The Tree Decline Project looked at the primary causes of stress, as well as the interactions between stress factors.

Project goals were;

(1) To collate and synthesise knowledge of the issues,

(2) Address key research questions about tree decline, particularly regarding interactions between stress factors, and

(3) Provide recommendations for managing tree decline, adapting to environmental changes, and for restoring trees in the landscape.

The initial stages of this project involved extensive consultation with local stakeholders and used local knowledge to inform and drive our research.

Literature Review

The overwhelming theme from the review is that we require a better understanding of the extent and severity factor causing tree decline across the region. For each factor the following was considered: How widespread is the issue? Which tree species are affected? Is the issue associated with land management practices, landscape position, soil types, or climatic events or cycles? Based on the review, Federation University proposed the Nutrient Implant Experiment discussed below. Please click here to access the Tree Decline and Death Literature Review.

Nutrient implant experiment

This experiment tested if nutrients are significantly affect tree health. Tree stem implants were trialed to deliver nutrients to trees, in order to bypass high pH soil conditions that can alter soil nutrient availability. In October 2015 we selected 10 sites in the Keith and Bordertown area that had >10 trees that displayed symptoms of yellowing and poor health for treatment with nutrient implants. These trees were resurveyed and the report of our findings are included in the Final Report of the Tree Decline and Death Project. Comparing the response of trees across the different treatments revealed the nutrients which were most influential.

If you have any questions about this project, please contact Nick Schultz at

Chlorotic Leaf