Groundwater Resources

When rain falls, some of it flows across the surface of the land and accumulates in creeks, wetlands, and eventually the ocean. But some of the water seeps into the ground and accumulates within cracks or pores in the rocks (aquifers), forming groundwater resources, which in turn also eventually flow into surface water or the ocean.

In Australia, groundwater makes up approximately 17 per cent of accessible water resources and accounts for over 30 per cent of our total water consumption. Some groundwater is fresh and can be used for drinking. Other groundwater can be brackish water or even saltier than the sea. Some contain high levels of dissolved substances, rendering it unsuitable for human consumption or stock water supplies.

The Coorong Tatiara District is underlaid by a varied system of confined and unconfined aquifers of varying quality and suitability for domestic and agricultural uses.

The following fact sheet resources provide an overview of understanding groundwater across the Coorong Tatiara Districts.

Understanding and Accessing Groundwater Fact Sheet - new June 2023

The Understanding & Accessing Groundwater Fact Sheet covers:

Groundwater, confined and unconfined aquifers

● A checklist for drilling a bore, construction requirements for bores, and regulatory requirements

● Calculating livestock water needs

● Salinity units of measurement

● Water savings options

● Groundwater contamination, water quality, and groundwater monitoring, and

● Fire water

Groundwater and Salinity Definitions and Terms Fact Sheet- new June 2023

This fact sheet explains the meaning of various names, terms, abbreviations, and language used when dealing with and learning about groundwater and salinity.

How to access groundwater data from the Water Connect website 2022

Aquifer Cross Section Image

To access information about Shandying or Blending Livestock Water please click here

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This project is supported by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program