Road & Transport Infrastructure Asset Management Plan

Coorong District Council manages an extensive network of infrastructure. The 2023-33 Road and Transport Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (adopted on 19 September 2023) specifically relates to the management of Council’s assets located within public road reserves and which are provided to enable safe and efficient movement within and through the region.

Responsibly funding for the renewal of Council assets over the long term is a key factor in sustainable and equitable asset management.

The focus of this plan is to model, forecast and document the physical and financial performance of Council’s road and transport assets, and provide a robust management framework that feeds into Council’s long-term financial plan. It is the intent of the Council to manage its road and transport network at an agreed level of service, while optimising life cycle costs in order to normalise its infrastructure spend over consecutive budgets and not to place a financial burden on future generations. Asset categories that form part of the Road and Transport Infrastructure Asset Management Plan include:

  • Sealed Road
  • Unsealed Road
  • Kerbing, Spoon drains and other concrete road assets
  • Footpaths (within the road reserve).

2023-33 Road & Transport Infrastructure Asset Management Plan